The iPhone is certainly an impressive device and is one that many of us cannot live without. The highly advanced technology has many features that make our everyday lives easier; however a lot of these features are hidden. See: Protecting your phone.

Heighten your security

We all have a code on our phone to protect it against any hackers if ever lost or stolen. However did you know there is an even more secure way coding your phone?

Rather than a four digit code, you can add a custom alphanumeric code. By using both numbers and letters it gives you the option of having an unlimited number of possible passwords. Head over to settings and change your password today. Find out more.

Saving your battery throughout the day

Most of us are victims to a drained battery whilst we are out and about. As time passes, it is inevitable that our phones become worn therefore reducing the quality of it – one thing that always seems to be the first to go is our battery life.

Apple has connected a quick-access feature for data and services. It is great when wanting the latest information for breaking news, sports and social updates; however a lot of it is background noise and reduces your battery life massively.

You can turn off spotlight features by going to settings, general and then spotlight search.

A fast & cheap way of repairing your broken phone

Although our tips help with some minor issues that you may face, we can’t help with every problem you may face.

However, we do suggest using a repair service for the issues that you cannot do by yourself. We advise clicking here for an experienced smartphone repair in London and they can fix your phone in 30 minutes whilst you wait.

If you’re unable to reach them, you can still mail in your broken phone and you will receive it a few days later, completely repaired.

Read more: Hints & Tips for Syncing